Booking Engine to Attract Direct Online Reservations

NETe PMS can help you integrate a booking engine on your website to attract hotel reservations directly. With NETe Booking Engine, you can eliminate high commissions, otherwise paid to popular OTAs. Such integration will also help you improve brand visibility and boost customer loyalty in the process.

  • Embed a booking form on the website to attract direct online bookings.

  • Accept online payments using our mobile-friendly booking engine.

  • No more commissions to third-party OTA platforms for bookings.

  • Reward your guests with add-ons like airport transfer, meals/tours, etc.

  • Offers flexibility with room types, rate plans, meal types, discount deals, etc.

Booking Engine to Attract Direct Reservations
Booking Engine to Attract Direct Reservations

Booking Engine to Attract Direct Online Reservations

NETe PMS can help you integrate a booking engine on your website to attract hotel reservations directly. With NETe Booking Engine, you can eliminate high commissions, otherwise paid to popular OTAs. Such integration will also help you improve brand visibility and boost customer loyalty in the process.

  • Embed a booking form on the website to attract direct online bookings.

  • Accept online payments using our mobile-friendly booking engine.

  • No more commissions to third-party OTA platforms for bookings.

  • Reward your guests with add-ons like airport transfer, meals/tours, etc.

  • Offers flexibility with room types, rate plans, meal types, discount deals, etc.

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    Mobile-friendly Booking Form for Seamless Experience

    Embed our easily customizable Booking Engine form to your website and allow guests to book rooms online. Our simple two-step booking process helps your online guests with an effortless shopping experience resulting in higher direct bookings.

    • Simplified booking and payment options for customers.

    • Attract and manage bookings without hindrance or delay.​

    • Reduce dependency on third-party booking platforms and avoid high commissions.

    • Allow guests to book rooms from any device or platform with a web browser.

    • Personalize the Booking Form to match your brand and color tone.

    • Boost revenue by attracting direct bookings and brand presence online.

    Sign Up for a Free Trial

    Register now and try for free!

      We Help you Grow Direct Bookings to Avoid Commissions

      Lessen the dependency on OTAs and third-party platforms to avoid higher commissions on each booking.

      • 100% Commission-Free - There will be no commissions charged from NETe Host for every booking from our Booking Engine.

      • Ready-to-use Plug and Play Widgets - Our Booking Engine Software easily blends on your existing website.

      • Multiple Payment Gateway Options - Choose from a wide range of popular and secured payment gateway platforms.


      Open global opportunities with multi-lingual support.


      Works on all different screen-size and platforms.


      Fully digitized booking experience.


      Custom options to set your preferences and offerings.

      Enhance your direct booking system with NETe Host's advanced hotel booking software.

      Talk to an Expert!

      Get a free consultation!

        What our Clients Say About NETe HOST

        Our real rewards come from customer satisfaction and their positive words about NETe HOST. It gives us the confidence and belief that we are not only meeting our client expectations but also exceeding them.

        NETe Booking Engine Features

        NETe Booking Engine is a must for every hotel website looking to attract direct bookings/reservations. Take a look at our salient features that makes us standout from the rest.

        • Responsive Booking Engine

          Mobile-friendly booking engine with easy plug-and-play feature to place on your official website.

        • Simple Booking Process

          Simplified two-step booking process to allow a seamless hotel booking experience to your guests.

        • Multiple Currencies Supported

          Empower your guests with the facility to pay from anywhere, anytime in their preferred currency.

        • Easy Integration with PMS

          Our Booking Engine easily integrates with NETe PMS or any other existing Hotel PMS System at your property.

        • Guest Engagement

          Strategically engage with guests via automated emails notifying about special discounts packages.

        • Up-sell Opportunities

          Grow hotel revenue by offering add-on services like Spa, Guided Tours, and more from your website.

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